What we do

Our key services

Cooling systems

We specialize in comprehensive installation services for refrigeration systems, providing professional


Air conditioning installation

Oferujemy profesjonalne usługi montażu klimatyzacji, dostosowane do potrzeb klientów indywidualny


Building cold storage and freezers

Specjalizujemy się w budowie chłodni i mroźni, oferując kompleksowe rozwiązania dla przemysłu spo


Call us

+48 511 195 622

Excellence in service

in the area of refrigeration and air conditioning

Our company offers comprehensive service for refrigeration installations, providing quick and effective technical support in case of failures. With our experienced team of specialists, we can carry out necessary repairs and maintenance, ensuring reliable operation of refrigeration systems.

Additionally, we offer attractive warranty terms that include regular inspections and technical support. We believe that our warranties set us apart from the competition and reflect our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

  • We guarantee immediate technical assistance in the event of a failure to minimize downtime in the operation of refrigeration systems.
  • Regular inspections and maintenance under warranty ensure long-lasting reliability of the installations.
  • Our qualified service personnel have years of experience in the industry, which translates to the high quality of the services provided.

Cold storage and freezers equipment

We invite you to visit our website featuring comprehensive refrigeration equipment, where you will find top-quality products and accessories that ensure efficient and reliable operation of any refrigeration system. Discover our innovative solutions tailored to the needs of various industrial sectors!

Equipment and accessories for refrigeration

Informacje kontaktowe

Phone number

+48 511 195 622


Słowików 15; 05-504 Łoś

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